Tutorial 9: Audio effects ============================ Although the main focus of **GAMuT** is `audio mosaicking`, it might increasingly include a few simple, but useful ways to apply audio effects to the resulting audio files. Currently, **GAMuT** supports `audio convolution `_, which we can use, among other things, to do `convolution reverb `_ with any `impulse response `_ we get our hands on. Here's a brief example on how this can be done: .. code:: python from gamut import Mosaic # read .gamut mosaic file mosaic = Mosaic() mosaic.read('./my_mosaic.gamut') # convert to audio audio = mosaic.to_audio() # convolve audio with impulse response audio.convolve('/path/to/audio/impulse/response.wav') # play it audio.play() .. hint:: There are many freely available impulse response packs and libraries online that you can use. Here's one such `website `_, where you can download different IRs and experiment with **GAMuT**.