Tutorial 1: Basic audio musaicking with GAMuT

Broadly speaking, the audio musaicking pipeline with GAMuT is quite simple:

  1. Create a Corpus from one or more audio sources.

  2. Create an Mosaic from one or more Corpus instances, given a target audio file.

  3. Convert Mosaic to an AudioBuffer instance, and write it into disk as a .wav or .aif audio file.

Here’s a simple script that demonstrates this basic pipeline in Python:

from gamut.features import Corpus, Mosaic

# 1) create a corpus from source:
corpus = Corpus(source='/path/to/source/audio/folder-or-file.wav')

# 2) create a mosaic for audio target and, based on corpus:
mosaic = Mosaic(target='/path/to/target/audio/file.wav', corpus=corpus)

# 3) convert mosaic to audio buffer and play it:
audio = mosaic.to_audio()


Doing all these steps in a single script can be computationally inefficient, as it results in creating the Corpus and Mosaic from scratch, everytime the script runs.

Therefore, it’s recommended to take a more modular, divide-and-conquer approach, and write separate scripts for each stage of the process.